29 feb. 2012

Inima perfecta

      Se povesteste ca intr-o zi, un tanar s-a oprit in centrul unui mare oras si a inceput sa le spuna trecatorilor ca are cea mai frumoasa inima din lume. Nu dupa mult timp, in jurul lui s-au strans o multime de oameni care ii admirau inima: era intr- adevar perfecta! Toti au cazut de acord ca era cea mai frumoasa inima pe care au vazut-o vreodata…
      Tanarul era foarte mandru de inima lui si nu contenea sa se laude singur cu ea. Deodata, de multime s-a apropiat un batranel. Cu glas linistit, el a rostit ca pentru sine:
       - Si totusi, perfectiunea inimii lui nu se compara cu frumusetea inimii mele!
      Oamenii au inceput sa-si intoarca privirile spre inima batranelului. Pana si tanarul a fost curios sa vada inima ce indraznea sa se compare cu inima lui. Era o inima puternica, ale carei batai ritmate se auzeau pana departe. Dar era plina de cicatrice, si erau locuri unde bucati din ea fusesera inlocuite cu altele care nu se potriveau chiar intru totul, liniile de unire dintre bucatile straine si inima batranului fiind sinuoase, chiar colturoase pe alocuri. Ba, mai mult, din loc in loc lipseau bucati intregi, lasand sa se vada rani larg deschise, inca sangerande.
      - Cum poate spune ca are o inima mai frumoasa? isi sopteau uimiti oamenii.
      - Cred ca glumesti, spuse tanarul dupa ce a examinat atent inima batranelului. Priveste la inima mea, este perfecta! Pe cand a ta este toata o rana, numai lacrimi si durere.
      - Da, a spus bland batranul. Inima ta arata perfect, dar nu mi-as schimba niciodata inima cu a ta. Vezi tu, fiecare cicatrice de pe inima mea reprezinta o persoana careia i-am daruit dragostea mea: rup o bucata din inima mea si i-o dau omului de langa mine, care adesea imi da in schimb, o bucata din inima lui, ce se potriveste in locul ramas gol in inima mea. Dar pentru ca bucatile nu sunt masurate la milimetru, raman margini colturoase, pe care eu le pretuiesc nespus de mult, deoarece imi amintesc de dragostea pe care am impartasit-o cu cel de langa mine. Uneori am daruit bucati din inima mea unor oameni care nu mi-au dat nimic in schimb, nici macar o bucatica din inima lor… Acestea sunt ranile deschise din inima mea, pentru ca a-i iubi pe cei din jurul tau implica intotdeauna un oarecare risc. Si desi aceste rani sangereaza inca si ma dor, ele imi amintesc de dragostea pe care o am pana si pentru acesti oameni. Cine stie, s-ar putea ca intr-o zi sa se ntoarca la mine si sa-mi umple locurile goale cu bucati din inimile lor… Intelegi, acum, dragul meu, care este adevarata frumusete a inimii? a incheiat cu glas domol si zambet cald batranelul.
       Tanarul a ramas tacut deoparte, cu obrazul scaldat in lacrimi. S-a apropiat apoi timid de batran, a rupt o bucata din inima lui perfecta si i-a ntins-o cu maini tremurande. Batrnul i-a primit bucata si a pus-o in inima lui. A rupt, apoi, o bucata din inima brazdata de cicatrice si i-a intins-o tanarului. Se potrivea, dar nu perfect, pentru ca marginile erau cam colturoase.
       Tanarul si-a privit inima, care nu mai era perfecta, dar care acum era mai frumoasa ca niciodata, fiindca in inima candva perfecta pulsa de-acum dragoste din inima batranului. Cei doi s-au imbratisat, si-au zambit si au pornit impreuna la drum.

9 feb. 2012


Dancing on the Edge of Oblivion...
Me and you, you and I...
Swaying to a beat so far away,
Only we can hear the rhythm that got astray...

The silvery tread, the bond of our souls
It's calling us home...
Though you have your flaws,
I was enchanted from the moment I saw your eyes...
Deep icy cold blue boring into me...
Was I like this before I met you, too?
Were those emotions also mirrored into mine?
I found you...or you found me...


On the Edge of Oblivion...

PS: poem inspired by the book "Blood Song" - Rhiannon Hart (awsome book...I <3 it)

5 feb. 2012


Ma gandeam in ultima vreme la scoietate, sau mai bine zis la unele aspecte ale societatii, si mi-am dat seama de lipsa de toleranta a majoritatii oamenilor. In momentul in care o persoana este, se zicem, diferita in unele aspecte majoritatea oamenilor vor incepe sa o considere nebuna sau ciudata. Nu vorbesc acum de diferente flagrante care sa ajunga sa ii deranjeze pe cei din jur ci de diferente in felul in care privesc si decid sa isi traiasca propria viata(ca de exemplu: in momentul in care sunt foarte fericiti si au chef sa inceapa sa danseze pe strada sa nu considere nimic rusinos in a face chestia asta). E adevarat ca nimeni nu o sa vina sa iti ia gatul doar pentru ca ai unele pareri sau reactii diferite de ale lor, dar tot vor gandi despre tine ca ai niste probleme si uneori unii iti vor spune chiar "nu e bine ce ai facut" si la intrebarea "de ce?" singurul raspuns pe care ti-l pot da uneori este "pentru ca nu se face". Si acum apar doua lucruri:

1. De ce am ajuns sa avem aceste inhibitii si toate aceste "nu se face" atata timp cat acele lucruri nu fac rau si nu deranjeaza pe nimeni?

2. De ce cand vedem o persoana care nu tine cont de toate aceste "nu se face" nu ne putem opri din a o judeca si a considera ca are niste probleme? De ce nu putem pur si simplu sa intelegem ca fiecare are propriile pareri si idei dupa care isi ghideaza viata fara ca acestea sa fie mai "corecte" sau mai "gresite" decat ale noastre? Pur si simplu sunt diferite la fel cum noi toti suntem diferiti.

4 feb. 2012

Life, an interesting journey...

I had the idea to write about a famous place in this world. Instead of this, I was thinking I could write about a famous writer...hmmm like Shakespeare for example. But then I had a flashback of the romantic city of Venice and the gorgeous things I saw there. What do you think of when you say "Venice"? I always associate it with the word "love". I changed my mind so many times, but my article will be about love, sadness, obstacles, in other words about life.
Life is like some strings, once broken never to be repaired. You know the saying "live every moment like your last one", but I got to say I disagree with it. As an answer to the question "why?" I'll just repeat some words that Tom Jones uses as some advice at the beginning of one of his songs: "To live for today and to love for tomorrow is the wisdom of a fool, because yesterdays are over and tomorrow may never come". We are at the age of "love stories", I guess each and every one of you has once written one first love letter or just emailed it. I never write emails to tell people how I feel. I even hate messaging in general when used to approach topics whose importance and emotional range surpass that of a "teaspoonful". I tend to think that all things that matter are to be spoken and not written. Some may accuse me of not being romantic...but the true word is "shy" (on the background plays "In the city of blinding lights"-U2).

-The song changes while I think what I want to write about precisely: "Life is a roller-coaster" by Ronan Keating-

With a little courage, now, an idea blooms like a crimson rose lying in the far corner of my mind, a light at the end of an endless dark tunnel, an idea of how I should talk about such a complicated journey, life, on a single piece of paper. What am I doing exactly? I have a shape in my mind, a blurred purpose...but do you know how I should lock on this piece of milky white paper the deep feelings behind the words? Actually, I'm used to this...not being able to express my true feelings...
Remember when you were just a little kid and you used to ask your mom "Is it good? Did I do it well?" (Next track: "Moon river"-Frank Sinatra).
Can't you see, I am writing to you...you know...told you I'm not used to this...And now I'll start babbling...hmm...10 seconds to change the song-Avant: "Right place, wrong time"-. And now with a change of attitude due to the music I'll try to end with what I should have said from the very beginning(that's me). So, what should we do now? ("I just can't help believin' "-Elvis Presley)

-Imagine I spent a whole song to write the last few words-
Well, I just want to say that as we grow up we tend to forget where we come from. Becoming a famous banker with lots of money on your hands isn't enough. We should not forget about our family, friends and never ever put anything else before them ("I hope you dance"-Ronan Keating-marvelous tune you should actually listen to this).
You know what? An example of family being on the first place is "The last song", a book written by Nicholas Sparks. It teaches us to be more responsible, it indirectly advises us that even if the whole world were ours, we couldn't rule it alone, we need to be supported by family ("Candle in the wind"-Elton John). "Personal affection is a luxury you can have only after all your enemies are eliminated. Until then, everyone you love is a hostage, sapping your courage and corrupting your judgement" (by Orson Scott Card-"Empire"). Even if the words have a negative meaning, it should have the opposite effect on us (Michael Buble-"Home").
One last thing I'll tell you:
Worship the bonds of true family; don't make this world worse than it is now, because it is already dancing on the edge of oblivion.
(Play list: empty)